Friday, February 10, 2006

...where everybody knows your name

Today for work, I had to track down some old budget documents for a conference SCARP held six years ago. Which meant heading over to AMS archives and digging through old reimbursements from the year 2000 and recognizing far too many of the names that would pop up on these 'historical' pages. And realizing that although almost every student around the AMS Business Office now has no idea who I am, the entire staff there greet me like an old friend.

"Good Lord, I have been here forever - will I ever get off this campus????" I thought to myself at the time.

But a few hours later, I'm reconsidering my position. Those people haven't seen me for months - for some, years - but I seem to have made enough of an impression that they still remember me and likely will do so for years to come. How many people can say that about their experience at UBC?

p.s. - a morning pages update: despite all my good intentions, it's been only 3 days and I've already fallen off the wagon. My lack of self-discipline astounds sometimes...


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