Friday, November 04, 2005

I should have posted this a month ago...

So Alison and I had been going through a bit of a rough patch.

Which was inevitable, I suppose, considering how mad about her I was at first. Her voice, her words, her look...all of it was so mysterious and engaging, I couldn't get enough of her. Things only got better when she showed her sparkier Black Cherry side, which I proudly flogged onto so many of you...

But recently feelings had started to wane. I couldn't help from feeling that things between us had grown complacent. Maybe I just expected too much from her this time around. Or maybe we had just grown apart. But I couldn't help but feel that something was missing, that Alison was falling back on her naughty-doll looks instead of her amazing voice. And I was angry that Will could sit back and watch her sell herself short. Yes, some of Supernature was fantastic (how could it not be), but that didn't make up for the fact that I was underwhelmed. I was underwhelmed - by Goldfrapp.

Alas, from the second I arrived in London, the ads for Supernature were everywhere, haunting me, adding insult to my crisis-of-musical-faith injury. So despite my annoyances, I still moved hell and highwater to get a ticket to see them at Brixton Academy when I was here, because... well, it's my lovely Goldfrapp.

(Aside: Brixton Academy - nice venue, but what is up with the decor inside? It's this random hodge podge of greco-roman flourishes, which might be intended as very pomo, but it just looks kinda tacky. But in a fun way. Otherwise, great sloped floor, plenty of rails throughout to claim a decent spot. Beer is expensive, but they do sell half-pints for those working the next day.)

(Aside 2: how do I always manage to end up behind the pack of 6-foot tall men?? Look at this photo. When I came to the floor, I could see just fine. Turn to have a conversation with the girl next to me and this is what I see when I look ya...)

The first good omen of the night was the flukey way I figured out how to work my camera so it can take okay 'nights-and-lights' pictures. And what timing, because the second Goldfrapp took the stage, I knew this was going to be a visually fantastic concert.

The band came out in full-on Scissor Sisters-esque gear. And then the lights came up on Alison. In some crazy pink cape, opening with....Utopia. Utopia - off their first album. With that opening operatic melody. Right off the bat. Well, this was definitely not going to be the concert I was dreading.

And it only got better. Next was Train, complete with crazy arthouse dancers (yes, they are in wolf masks and gold bikinis). And so it continued - all my favourites from the first two albums (Tiptoe! Lovely Head!), and none of the weak ones off the new one. The old moody songs alienated those in the crowd familiar only with the upbeat singles, but Alison carried on as if she couldn't hear the chatter. This concert wasn't meant for them, it was meant for me and all the diehards, a gesture of love and appreciation.

By the time Deer Stop (my favourite Goldfrapp song ever) came up, it was obvious something was wrong with the monitors. Most people would have made crazy gestures to the sound guy, pulled faces, and then quit singing altogether (and rightfully so). But Alison looked determined not to stop the show and kept on through one of their most difficult vocals. And did so with such grace and power and perfection, an overwhelming sense of guilt came over me. How could I have been so stupid? So blase and ungrateful?
That was the moment - the moment when I fell in love with Alison Goldfrapp all over again.

The rest of the show was, of course, brilliant. Ride A White Horse, a mediocre track off the new album, is far better when performed live with dancers wearing white bathing suits, swishy horsetails, and sequined horseheads. And who knew you could mosh to Oooh La La? Londoners are a odd bunch.

The night ended as strong as it started - Strict Machine, Number 1, and the ultimate closer, Black Cherry. Not only was it a brilliant show, it was an affirmation. Goldfrapp's place in my heart is more than secure.

Watch: The video for 'Number 1', one of the best pop singles of the year. The video is 'cute' so it doesn't do the song justice (in my humble opinion) but I thought I'd put it up because I want that pink jumpsuit!


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