Thursday, November 03, 2005

Now We Are Twenty Six

Birthdays require a certain degree of introspection, so here it is:
Aleksandra's Sappy 26th Birthday Reflections....

Birthday Reflection #1: "Less [sic] ways to wish for it, more ways to work toward it"

After his birthday about a month ago, my good friend Mike mused about somehow not feeling up to the certainty and responsibility that his "late-20s" status will soon demand of him. As my birthday approached, I felt even further behind - like I've been trapped at 23, forced to play some video-game-like level over and over again until I finally suss it out. (yes, I realize how ironic it is that I of all people should use a video game analogy...)

But by birthday time, I was quite optimistic about getting it right this time around. To back this feeling up, I got this intense horoscope sent to me for my birthday - apparently, this year is the Scorpio's 'jupiter year', a golden year that only comes around every dozen. This follows two crap years of 'eclipses' so Scorpios are finally to feel a renewed sense of moving forward. Excellent.

All this superstitious jibba jabba reminded me of something... A few of you may remember our encounter with the sketchy babalou in Havana last year, and how freakishly she predicted some pretty accurate things for me. Well, at the time, there was one story that really puzzled me - the one about the girl who felt she couldn't live with all the people in the village and so the god-guy moved her up onto the top of some mountain with all this hocus-pocus until such time as she felt she could protect herself and live amongst the people in the village again. At the time, I thought, "Um sorry lady, way off the mark - I love people, can't get enough of them." But maybe that's just it, maybe that's what she meant...because here on the top of Haverstock Hill, the once-dreaded silences are now starting to bring a sense of quiet independence and "balance" I had pretty much forgotten. Of course, the babalou also went on about rubbing ourselves down with butter, rum, and raw meat, so maybe I should just stick to the facts. But here's to hoping this 'Jupiter November' will help balance me out good and proper before bringing me back down to the village (and then propelling me forward into a fabulous 2006!).

Reflection #2: It's no Dancing Queen, but it'll definitely do...

It was the many lovely birthday wishes and cards sent to me (thank you!) that made me realize that when I do come back to Vancouver, many of my favourite people will be gone - the SCARPies are spreading their wings and flying the coop. Dearest of dears: you were in many of my thoughts this birthday, including when I chose my "annual birthday theme song". I chose it, not for any lyrics in particular, but for its wonderful mixture of nostalgia and optimism. Now is not the time for ballast, but for forging ahead. In rainbow tutus, of course.



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