Saturday, September 17, 2005

My morning commute

So every morning, I will be walking out the wooden door that's at the right of the photo...and walking through the door at the left of the photo.

Already I love this job!

So I started work a few days ago now, working at the World Bureau of Guiding, in their departments that deal with International Development and Advocacy. And I know I am going to enjoy it, and it turns out I think it will actually help with my project in the end - they are doing some amazing things here and are focused on making all those resources easier to access. In fact, putting together a project depot is my second project. But first things first...

Sally is my supervisor for the first six weeks - she has done lots of international development work (including running a medical charity's headquarters, which was actually an airplane. seriously.) and is very knowledgeable, she is very personable, and is a massive Liverpool fan - married to a massive Chelsea fan! Which means she obviously has a good sense of humour, so we get on just fine.

There are 2 other interns who started this week - Katherine from Kentuky is making websites to collate all the projects we do in WAGGGS; Connie from London i
s working on a campaign about human trafficking. Both are very nice, but I have to say my favourites are the colleagues in my office. I may mention them again, so for future reference:

- Georgina, very English (even for the rest of them), posh, demanding, very funny. Engaged, so she reminds me a bit of Perpetua from Bridget Jones with all her personal calls.
- Morwenna, very sweet but with a sly humour. Her and Georgina are excellent gossips.
- Kate, crafty beyond compare, very amiable. Kate is the type I'd be friends with if I had met her at school.
- Marina, the gorgeous actress who is temping for a while at the Bureau. Everyone's in love with her.

Of course, I still have no idea a) how long I'll be working or b) how much I'm being compensated for this internship, or even c) how much I get paid for lunch expenses. I guess those are "minor details" according to Lorraine the HR Director. (And here I unduly blamed her negligence on the time difference problem... )


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