Tuesday, July 12, 2005

The most wanted woman in Delta

....so apparently, if you don't call the Court Date Lady right away after getting your first notice to appear to court, they send the police after you with your subpeona...who knew?

(I didn't mean to not call btw, I just didn't catch that part in CAPSLOCK BOLD TYPE in the main part of the letter telling me it was IMPERATIVE THAT I CALL IMMEDIATELY UPON RECIEIVING NOTICE. Oops.) (Oh, and why am I being issued a subpeona? The guy [whose face I never even saw] who tried to steal my purse off the Skytrain last summer [but failed dismally!] has been charged with 4 counts of theft, and I am supposed to identify myself in the security video or something.)

So all day Friday, my mum was trying to get a hold of me. Seems Delta Police had called twice for me at home, warning that if I couldn't come pick it up by 8pm, they'd send people round to find me. And you know me, about a million miles away from Delta most of the time, so this is looking pretty bleak. I'm still in Coquitlam when my mum calls again at 6:30 - they've already sent four officers to our house to look for me! (I guess my mum sounded suspect on the phone.) (Or maybe Delta Police doesn't have much else to do than harass housewives harbouring AWOL witnesses.)

Fortunately, I made it there with 10 minutes to spare. And after all this threatening, all they do is gab jovially about how cute my dog is and give me an Orange Julius coupon (WTF, well, at least they're a generous police dept). Leaving the station though, I casually glance down at the faxed subpeona - I see in tiny letters at the bottom: A subpoena is a court order. Failure to comply with this court order may result in a warrant being issued for your arrest, according to Section 705(1) of the Criminal Code.

Yikes - pretty severe for somebody who only has to say, "yeah, that's me". Note to self: do not play it cool with these Court people anymore, they'll f**k you up...

In other news: This dancing queen had quite a week this past week! Closed down Celebrities on Tuesday night, and did the same at The Arch on Saturday night. And were they ever excellent nights - both have made it onto my list of Top Ten Nights Out Dancing. So great, in fact, I think I may just have to take a hiatus for a bit to savour their perfection.


At 12:50 PM , Blogger K said...

Hi Aleks.... just passing by!


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