Sunday, September 11, 2005

Don't mess with (flights to) Texas

So.... I almost didn't make the plane ("oh Aleks, how cliche of you...")

Frantically trying to re-do my ethical review the night before leaving (as I filled out the old form that unbeknowst to me was replaced with a new form on Sept 1....) was certainly NOT how I wanted to spent my final night in Vancouver. Especially since procrastinator extraordinaire here had left the packing, unpacking, and repacking for my last night as well. So there I was at the check-in counter, still taking stuff out of my still-too-heavy bags while the check-in people softly voice concerns about whether I'll make the flight at this point. I just about had a heart attack.

Of course, it was fine (though when we heard the pilot say, "we're just a few minutes late getting off the ground, folks, just making sure that all the baggage gets on the plane, don't want to leave anything behind", I had a bad feeling I knew what that was about...) But in my rush, I didn't have time to grab any breakfast, and it was one of those no-food flights to Dallas.
So I had to pay $3 for their "breakfast snack" - this is what American Airlines considers a decent "breakfast snack":

  • (salted) Wheat Thins
  • strawberry jelly
  • "SUNBUTTER" - like peanut butter, but from sunflower seeds...
  • fig newton
  • Paul Newman raisins

Like the couple next to me said, "that is the strangest breakfast snack we've ever seen".

But the flights were fine, and both my bags arrived in London just fine, which (as some of you may know) was a pleasant surprise! I've settled into my new digs, Pax Lodge in super-posh Hampstead. The girls that work/live here are sweet, but because they live and work here and none of them are from England, they find it tricky to meet people here in London. Guess I'll have to charm the Londoners on my own!

I start work on Wednesday, so I have the next few days to shop/sightsee/find a computer that can upload my photos. (I'm hoping to post a picture every day, but we'll see how long that holds out...)


At 10:21 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 9:21 AM , Blogger Mike said...

Ah yes, I had that same "meal" when I went over this summer. I don't really understand how anyone can consider something like that healthy after sitting for 8 hours.

I know you probably have a million contacts over there, however if you ever need help fron the locals, my cousin, uncle and aunt are in the area...

At 9:55 AM , Blogger minx said...

I am glad to finally see an update!

Hope things work out well. Your neighbourhood looks great!

And yes, that snack is a joke. Get RATM to write a song about it.



At 12:24 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Frantically trying to re-do my ethical review the night before leaving"

Hahahaha! Sorry, don't mean to laugh at your misfortune, but that is so you.


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