Sunday, October 02, 2005

Quick Reflection II

Finally saw Geoff and Haley the other night - fantastic to see them, two of my favourite people. At the end of the night, Haley mentioned that Thanksgiving is coming up for everyone back home in Canada, and that they're thinking of trying Thanksgiving at their place next weekend.

Just hearing the word 'thanksgiving' made me long for Grandma's pumpkin pie....I've only missed my Grandma's Thanksgiving pumpkin pie once, when we were in Europe. But it all worked out alright, because she made it especially for me for my birthday when we got back.

Which made me realize. This will be the first birthday I have not been at home.

I've roamed around the world a fair bit, but it seems I've always managed to be home for most of "the birthday season" (as I think of it) - Thanksgiving, colder weather, pumpkin lattes, the clocks go back, Halloween, then my birthday! So I can't help but secretly moan, "There's no Thanksgiving over here? No Halloween? No Pumpkin Lattes? No 'Happy Birthday, Aleksandra!'? What kind of autumn is this???"

Those of you who know me well know that I tend to make a special thing of birthdays, and that I not-so-secretly relish all the hoopla that surrounds my birthday in particular, which is why this feels slightly odd. This November 1st will be one for the books, though - instead of the traditional family dinner, my 26th birthday will be a fairly ordinary day capped off (thankfully) with a New Pornographers gig. (About which I am actually quite excited - even though I don't know much of the new album, I feel like they've come all the way out just to say hi to me...)

I know, I know, this is how most people go about their birthdays, people that don't have SCARPio parties or 50-person club nights for their birthdays. And hey, maybe your 26th is supposed to prepare you for the disappointing crap-birthdays to come. But should you feel as weird as I do about this and feel like you need to still celebrate my existence, I will be accepting cards, flowers (Morwenna and I are sick of it always being Georgina getting flowers), love letters, hate mail,
CDs (don't have the new Franz, Wolf Parade, Twin Cinema, or Sufjan's Michigan yet), thesis tips, yarn, tapes of the 3rd season of the O.C., etc. at:
Olave Centre
12c Lyndhurst Road
London, England

(Just so this doesn't feel weird for you, too...)

p.p.s. - no, this post was not a feeble attempt at getting people to send me things. It was just an oh-so-perfect bonus!


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