Friday, October 28, 2005

Has the world changed or have I changed?

As I was sitting here typing up my latest entry, my hallmate Kat (who reminds me strikingly of Chris Eaton...) (in personality, not appearance) leaned over and, in a puzzled voice, asked, "'Effervescent in Pink'? Why pink? You always seemed like more of a brown person to me..." I looked down and realized, she's right.

So I've just gotten back from dashing upstairs to take a photo of what I am wearing to work today...

Somewhere along the way fun-pink Aleks has given way to work-friendly shades-of-brown Aleks.

What is happening to me?

But this is only half of the transformation - wait till you see what I just bought for my feet:

"Are those brown flats, Aleks???????"

"They've got a cute mini-heel, but yes, Daphne, Catherine and Gina, they are. They're super comfortable and still stylish."

"Stop Aleks! You're freaking us out! Good God, what have they done to you over there?"


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