Saturday, May 06, 2006

Climbing Up The Walls

So yesterday was a big day for my thesis project. I was to present to 50 teenagers about my project, do an information training and then an open-space session with them. What I got out of the night was to be a major part of my research data.

Needless to say, not a day to lock yourself out of your house all day.

I was just dashing out to Staples to buy some flipchart paper, markers, and tape. Which is why I didn't bother to double back to the house to grab my cell phone I'd forgotten. I wouldn't be long anyway - I still had to make and print my handouts, go over a couple of case studies, and practice my presentation.

Now, the last time I remember being locked out of my house, I recall entertaining myself with the balloon-animal-making kit I'd just bought. Now, my random balloon animal making phase was in 1998, so that would be eight years ago. Eight years without incident. And this had to happen to me again yesterday. Of all days.

Fortunately, I at least had the markers and flipchart paper, so I could do some useful preparation. (Let me tell you, Carol Boothroyd would have sold crack to nuns to have had those flipcharts.) And that neighbour guy who was belting it out to a mix tape of U2, Jeff Buckley and the Doors made my day, he was awesome.

But somewhere into the fifth hour, things weren't so amusing anymore.

And then there I was, way up on top of a ladder, hoping to open and crawl through our upper floor window. Trying to get myself out of another completely ridiculous situation. I couldn't help but start laughing. And I nearly fell off the damn ladder.

Note to self: Sometimes it's important to laugh at ourselves but 15 feet off the ground is not the time.


At 5:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Must stash balloon animal kit somewhere in garden for such occasions...I still remember that story...

hee hee


How did it go with the teens?


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