Monday, March 27, 2006

Top of the Pops!

So there are a few people in my life (most prominently, my parents) who wonder what is so appealing about all these concerts I go to - why spend money to go see all these crazy bands we've never heard of, especially when you already have them on CD?

My answer: you'd understand if you went to last Friday's Art Brut show - the best concert of the year for me so far. Most bands sound a bit livelier than they do recorded, but few exceed recording as well as Art Brut did that night. Very present and involved with the audience, Art Brut were clever, energetic, and damn funny. For everyone who missed the show, alas alas. But here, their Vienna gig is up on rbally.

Listen: Formed a Band (live in Vienna) (complete with Metallica, Modern Lovers, and Burt Bacharach references!)

There were also a few extra reasons I enjoyed this show as much as I did...

Extra Reason #1: The surprise fantastic opening act

Gil Mantera's Party Dream
reminded me why you should always show up early for the opening band. Looking equal parts Fischerspooner and Rob Zombie, these guys managed to entertain a crowd of scenesters at oh-so-early 8pm. It was just two brothers in spandex pants but they managed to rock the synth, pose, and kick enough for five people. And the vocoder cover of Fleetwood Mac's "Dreams" was brilliant.

Listen: Gil Mantera's Party Dream - Shadow Grip

Extra Reason #2:The Clark Kent of Indie Rock guitarists

Between sets, I went over to the merch table to grab a t-shirt and a CD for friends. Speaking with the merch guy, I noted how British- this guy looked. Wearing a classic tan trenchcoat (belted mac in Britspeak), Elvis Costello glasses (spectacles) and sporting a well-coiffed head of hair, he looked straight out of London's posh art scene.

Ten minutes later, the band takes the stage - including Arty-Londoner guy. Who then quietly removes his thick-framed glasses, places them on an amp. And then sheds the trenchcoat - to reveal quintessential indie rock guitarist outfit (shown at right). Sneaky!!

Extra Reason #3: Don't I know you from somewhere?

Anyone who knows Scott Swinford would have to agree - this Eddie Argos character must have been stalking him for a while and while Scott and the band were having artistic differences, Eddie stole his onstage persona, hightailed it back to London, and slapped a British accent on it.

Seriously, it was eerie.

Extra Reason #4: Random Merch Experience

So for some reason, Art Brut may have been able to form a band but they can't seem to get a couple of groupies to run the merch table. (See Clark Kent rock guitarist story above...) So they run their own merch table!

Eddie was in full chat mode, and ready to sign posters with headlines and paragraphs. Unfortunately, the Richards staff were chomping at the bit to kick everyone out, so thank goodness for Art Brut's lovely bassist. A crackerjack with the t-shirt sales, she whipped through the line like nobody's business! Thank you!

Anyway, Art Brut, you are top of the pops in my books - thanks for making my night!


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