Friday, September 10, 2010

Bizarro Durban Fail #3

WHOOPS! This is a big one!

Okay, so I am not sure how often I will be able to update this blog. Because it turns out I have no idea how to use the internet responsibly here.

In so many ways, Durban doesn't feel much like an "African" city, but just a big dirty city like any other. A throughly modern city, the internet is everywhere, even though the connection speeds sometimes aren't great. But what's weird is that they still operate on the circa 1998 fair use model - ie you pay by KB.

Do you know how much Skype, Facebook, gmail, and Flickr use in data? I do now. A lot. I managed to chew up T's monthly usage one afternoon.

Like I said, WHOOPS.

Anyway, I will return once I get my own place, internet connection, etc. but until then, we might have to make do in low-tech ways. Keep an eye out for my carrier pigeon.


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