Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Lesotho Or: How I Stopped Laughing and Learned to Love the Bribe

Let's get out of this country.
Seriously. I wanted stamps in my passport. Eugene wanted to drive a 4x4.
So Lesotho it was!
Lots of pics after the jump....

Sani Pass - a crazy 45 minute drive switchbacking up the Sesotho Mountains
The Immigration Office, where we found ourselves extorted for a week's salary.
Boys in the Sani Pass Hood.
The Butha Butha gang.
"Alex! Alex!" My name was very popular that day in this tiny Lesotho village.

Homebrew from what looks to be old motor oil cans?????

Drink up, Eug - our gaggle of adoring fans are waiting outside....

...and they demand their picture be taken!

Eugene back in the saddle.
Happy Trails....


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