Friday, December 31, 2010

More animals!

More animal photos have been requested. I aim to please.

Pics from our day trip to Tala after the jump.
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Tuesday, December 28, 2010


For a while now, I knew where I would be spending Boxing Day. The Boxing Day cricket test match is a Durban tradition. You wake up early on a scorching hot Boxing Day, don your bikini and suncream, set your blanket up on the patch of grass at Castle Corner, and bake in the sun, drunk by 10am on smuggled ridealongs.

Usually. But of course, this had to be the year it rained. And by rain, I mean mist. Seriously, mist held up the game for an hour. No wonder cricket isn’t popular in Vancouver.
(fun aside: when Julie texted me with the rain warning, I instinctually put on a bunch of layers, including a scarf and jacket. I get there and everyone is down to as little as possible. Because in Bizarro Durban, rain means heat. I never learn, do I?)

Anyway, my opinions on cricket.... after the jump!
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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas with Clive and Dave

Clive and Dave got into town and I spent Christmas Day with their brood.
Thank you, Pernells/Glovers/Etta's Afrikaaner parents, for letting me tag along!

Friday, December 24, 2010


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Lesotho Or: How I Stopped Laughing and Learned to Love the Bribe

Let's get out of this country.
Seriously. I wanted stamps in my passport. Eugene wanted to drive a 4x4.
So Lesotho it was!
Lots of pics after the jump....

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Monday, December 06, 2010


"Pack up the massive pot of biryani and fill the beer buckets with ice,
it's the first Friday in December and we're on a boat!"
One thing you won't get back home at Christmastime is a year-end harbour boat cruise for your public sector department that eats up basically the entire day.
Oh and my co-workers can be hilarious sometimes. Particularly after a few Baby Guinness shots....

Incriminating pictures after the jump!
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